Monday, September 16, 2013

Escribir a poco

 It's starting to get hotter and hotter, I can't stand to wear a sweater now, but everyone looks at me like I am running around in my underwear. Every thing is going well, I'm a little nevous about my companion going home and have to take over the area, but god know's what he is doing. I'm gad to hear that you are all doing good, and keep you all in my prayers. I know it's lame to say I don't have alot to say, but.. I'll have a better letter next week

Monday, September 9, 2013

Todo Esta bien

This week was interesting, alot of ups and downs but all good. Alot of you are asking about the Duck Lady, and truth be told I have no ideah, there are 4 missionaries in this area, and so it is split in half, and the church is on the other set of missionaries' side. So when we contacted her we were on their side, so it was only a contact for us. However if I hear anything I'll let you know.
it is winter down here, and I did have to buy a sweater, it is like fall in Blackfoot, but they theese people talk it's the end of the world. One day I was hot and I put my sweater in my backpack, one of the mebers we were with told me that if I didn't put my sweater on right now I would get sick and die, but it was a Sister in the ward, and haveing a mother who feels the same way about cold weather, I put my sweater on, and didn't mention the fact that I have shovled snow in shorts...mostly because I don't know how to say snow in spanish...or shovel...or shorts.
We have two weeks untill the next transfer, and Elder Padilla feels like he has two weeks to live. Elder Padilla and I are as diferent as night and day, this last month has gone smoothly, he has tought me alot, and the fact that my spanish is getting better everyday helps.