Monday, March 17, 2014

Algo mejor..

       So I am sorry for my super short and incomplete letter last week, I ended up running out of time. 
       So I am in a place called CaƱete, and I am in the branch of Imperial. It really isn´t too far from my last area, and it is a citty, but it is not Lima so it is pritty nice. My Comp. is named Elder Izquirdo (which is funny because Izquierda is spanish for left, so everyone makes Elder Left and Right jokes.) Something I like is that he is pretty short, so I am again one of the tallest people that I see during the day. I really love my new area, my Companion is the District Leader so I finally have a chance to know how it´s done, and the people here are very humble and want to change their lives. Saturday night we found a young man named JoseMaria (yes his first name the two names of the father and mother of Jesus, at this point latin names have stopped shocking me.) Anyway, we taught him a small lesson and invited him to church, the next day he showed up early to church and stayed for all three hours, and in Gospel principles class he introduced himself as, My name is Josemaria and I want to change my life and that is why I´m here. That point I felt very happy to be in this place. I have seen some of the best people here who really want to change their lives. 
       My Spanish is coming along very well, I feel like I am finally out of the spanish pitt, and am walking and laughing with all the short little pueru people. I still mess up some words, and there are a lot of things I don´t know, but I feel like I'm there. But yeah life is going well, and the Gospel is true. Mom please tell everyone in the ward Hi for me. I love you all thank you for your thoughts and Oraciones. Love Elder Roos.
Hey this is going to be short, sorry I will have a better letter next week.
                           I got your letters at last, and thank you so much that was really something that I needed this week, I am also very thankful for the letters that had your testimonies, and really just reading those two simple letters really helped my testimony, thanks.
                             The biggest thing that happened this week was transfers. I finally left Sunampe, and to be honest it was kind of sad. I was surprised at the reaction of the members when they all found out that I was going to another area. The Bishop told everyone in church at the pulpit, that one day they are going to see me as a 70 in the liahona, but I will be happy as a young men´s president. I am out of time love you all. Elder Roos

Monday, March 3, 2014

Una Semana mas

Hola everyone,
                    I am sorry of not sending an email last week, but I will just put away the lame excuses and get to the telling you stuff part. So we are getting very close to the end of this transfer and at this point I have just a little over 9 months in the mission. it is crazy how the time flies. These past two weeks we have really seen the hand of the lord in the work, we finally had the tow baptisms of Danela and Lesly, and they are two very strong converts. I think that I write this in just about every letter that write after we have a baptism, but I am truly amazed to see the new light that comes into the faces of the new members that are baptized. The scriptures say that everyone is born with the light of Christ and in this we choose right or wrong, but I am a living witness that the countenance of some one who has received the gift of the Holy Ghost is different and they really shine.
                     The ward of Sunampe in a very small ward, in fact it almost doesn´t have the correct amount of members to be a ward and is almost a branch, but I love working in this ward because the heards  of the members are so big. We are working very hard to help this ward grow, but it is something of a difficult processes when you barely have sufficent members to fill the callings of the ward. I have been thinking a lot about church callings lately and how importante every  calling in the church is because every act we do has human beings will some how effect someone else, and when some one efecively does their church calling they are helping another child of god progress. This has made me think about how important sharing this gospel is, and how blessed I am to have the opportunity to share this gospel. I love you all and hope you are all warm and happy take care and have an amazing week. Elder Roos
Hello everyone,
                    So this week is going very well, we are starting to have a lot more help for the ward for finding people, and God has blessed us a lot this week. Sometimes when all our plans fail God blesses us with just a little bit of success. This week we have two baptisms planed, one for Friday and one for Saturday. Their names are Lesly Banses and Danela Moran. Lesly is 22 and going to school to be a nurse and she is very interested in the plan of salvation. Her mother passed away about 10 months ago and she was very happy to hear that we can all live together as a family after this life, and I am happy to be able to testify that I know that this is true. Danela is an 11 year old girl who is the only member of her family that is not a member, but that is about to change this week, she has been very fun to teach and she is very happy to be part of the church and the ward is helping alot in this aspect.
                Something funny that happened this week was Hermano Fansisco, a new convert of about five months, was asked to give a talk on faith in church this Sunday, and I have to be honest I have never paid so much attention to a talk on Faith in my life. He got up to the pulpit, and at first he was very calm and everything was normal, but then he just started really getting into it. He started going off like a T.V. minister. He started shouting a little bit, he began using a lot of hand gestures, and walking back and forth pointing to people "There are only two types of faith!!" It was most likely the most entertaining talk I have ever seen.
but all is going well on this End. I hope you are all well happy and Warm Take Care. Love Elder Roos.