Monday, February 3, 2014

Still hot and mov'n on

Hello Every one,
                       So to start things off, this week has been interesting, but very long. The mission right now is verry low on people to teach, I thought it was just us but it seems the whole mission is down right now. So that is kind of where I am at right now. We are working with alot of less active members, because right now not alot of people are comeing to church. Some thing that I have had in my heart for Sunape from the first week I came here was to buid the members enough untill the church will okay the building of a new church building. They had a small church house once but it fell to the groung (as did the membership) after an earth-quake in 2007. We only need 10 more Tithe paying Elders in the Elders quarm, to be approved on a new building. I would like so much the see theese sweet humble people nove have to take a taxi to a diferent part of chincha just to go to church, they need this and I hope that I can help make this happen. We are going to keep moveing with all our faith untill... untill the end I supose. I ate cat...yes real cat here is a picture of it's head. Love you all Elder Roos