Sunday, June 22, 2014

Catch up!

Que Tal Familia mio,
                            okay so things are going well, the work is moving more fluidly, and I am finding that my teaching skills are improving, I still have a ways to go but I am getting there, I really like to teach big classes, for examples Gospel principals class.However I also love teaching families and helping them over come their problems. We are teaching a Sister named Fransisca, and she is super interested in the message, and she goes to church ever sunday, but she will not a baptism date because of her super catholic husband. We also found a super Awesome family names Jorge and Kati, but more next week I am out of time. Love Elder Roos.
Hello everyone,
                     So transfers happened this week, and I am still in the same place with the same Elder, but with new hopes. I am in Imperial Cañete Lima Peru. it is starting to get colder, but that´s just because I live in south america, ¨cold¨here in peru is swimming weather in Idaho.
                    My comp. is still Elder Izquierdo, so this will be cambio number three. Which is funny, because I am one of the few Elders that has lasted more than one change with him, but I don´t say that to throw mud in the reputation of my companion, but just to let you know that these past two transfers have been something I will never forget. I really feel like this third transfer is a blessing, because I have learned so much love the pat few months, and I have seen a great change in Elder Izquierdo and in myself. It is funny how God takes people who are completely different and put them together so that they can grow and learn from one another. I really am happy to with here for a little more time, and us two have become something of a team, we still have so very much to learn, but I feel like some good this are coming to pass.
                      We have found some really interesting families, we are even teaching someone who is studying to be a preacher, and he has a big fat book of question (bring it on). I love how humble people are here, even when people hate us they still listen to what we have to say and alot of the time the are honest and say that they don´t wan´t anything, or they spew the same lame excuses about why we can not enter there houses, but my point is that the people are super nice here and we find alot of people, who really do want to change, and the fact is that we want to help them, so everyone wins.
                      The second best part of where we are is that the city is surrounded by fruit orchard, so I have eaten a lot of fruit....A LOT OF FRUIT!!!!!! and it will never get old NEVER! I love these people, I love this work, and I love fruit. I hope you are all happy and healthy, and mom that you so much for helping the Sister missionaries in Wapello they will never forget your help, and I bet when you help them you think just a little about your missionary in the field, and that sends blessings here. I love you all. Elder Roos.
Big News,
              Those two funny town drunks that I talked about before were baptized this week!! Brother Edwin wanted to be baptized at 3pm in a river with a tunic, just like Jesus was, and when we told him that we could only do it in the baptism font, he refused to be baptized, but after, a church video, a lot of scriptures, and a look at the baptism font my companion and myself were able to convince him to be baptized that day...but he was baptized using the tunic that usually only the women wear.
              These two men have some of the strongest testimonies that I have ever heard. after the baptism the son of Renauld gave his dad the biggest hug ever and they gust stayed there for a moment, and I was so happy to see how the gospel changes lives, and how happy his family was to see the change in this man.
Well life is good, life just keeps on going one day at a time, but it is going way too fast. It is getting cooler down here but not cold, we have found a few cool families that want the gospel, so that is good, but you will hallways have those born and die catholics and dominate peru. well I love you all so much, keep reading the Book of mormon it changes lives

So this week we had a really big District Conference, which is stake conference when you don't have a stake, and we had 450 people show up which was a ¨milagro. It was really cool to see all of the people there, and President Douglas Gave an amazing talk on the atonement. We are teaching some really cool families, one family is Fansica, Cristian, and Evelin, and antother are Juli and Eder. these two families are really cool, and they have a lot of desire to serve god, they are having a little trouble accepting the need to be Baptizted, again after their Catholic baptism, but the Book of mormon is a super powerful tool that is helping them see the truth of this message. I thought a lot about Christian during the presidents talk, because he has some addiction problems, and we explained to him that through the atonement all can be healed, and everything that is unjust in the world can be rectified. (alma 7:11). I am doing good and mom I did get that pizza recipe, we haven't made it yet just because we have next to no time. but thank you so much!! I love you all I am happy and healthy, and hop that all of you are the same!

  This week went very well...well mas o menos. After the change with the sisters, we are still trying to get off the ground in regards to our goals. we are having a few problems finding less active members who will let us in the door, and we are forever looking for more people who are ready to hear the gospel. Despite the little setbacks that we have faced this week, I am feeling very hopeful for this coming week, I feel like something good is coming. Today I read 3 nephi 1, and it talks about how the people who didn´t believe christ were ready to kill the people who believed in the signs of Christ coming. These people were ready to die for a new star that they had never seen, for a firm hope that they couldn´t explain. I learned that, that is how faith in Christ works, it keeps up happy, keeps us faithful, until the day that the new star of hope finally shines, and the hand of our enemies are stopped... and the best part of this story, it at the end the better part of people where baptized, because the missionaries never stopped preaching.
                          However we did find this ¨gigante¨ family of less actives, the ¨Dixion¨father had been away from the church for over five years, after he and his wife left eachother, wich then led to the falling away of the whole family. The children knew that the church was true, but hadn´t found the desire to go to church for years, and alot of diferent missionaries, have talked to Dixion, but they never budged. Howere we had a verry sucessfull lession, where Dixion told us every problem he had with the church, and basically his life story. At the end of his epic tale, he told us that his bigest problem was the book of mormon, and that he could not accept another book that wasn´t the bible. Well being Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Laterday Saints, we taught the Resteration, and long story ¨un poco mas¨ shorter, almost all of the family when to church this sunday and almost all of the testimonies were about the Book Of Mormon!
Can´t wait to talk to my family, I have to call on Monday the 11th, or maybe skype, but I will call today and check you you people. So I´m doing good, Read the Book of Mormon 15 min Cada Día!
Hello everyone!
                  The biggest thing that happened this week is that we got sisters in our branch, which is fantastic, but I changed everything. We had three investigators that have a date for baptism, all three of them are now investigators of the sisters. Two of these people are named Edwin and Rnauld, they are the most prepared investigators that I have known in my mission. Edwin was a reference of a stake leader, and the first lesson he was ready to be baptized and to start going to church, and the following week, we ended up teaching him and 6 others in one very big very well done lesson. In this group pf 6 people was this man named Renauld, and he accepted the restoration, very quickly. what we didn´t know is that he works with one of the members of our branch, and he knew that his coworker was a member of this church, and he had been waiting for the chance to talk to this man, but he never found the chance, and he was very happy to finally have the chance to learn more about this message, and the best part of this is these two guys were the biggest drunks ever!!! They have not touched alcohol in over a week, and the whole community is shocked, and everyone is talking about the change of these two crazy guys. I am so happy to see how the Atonement of Jesus Christ can heal us from what ever worldly problem that we suffer from (Alma 7:11). The sad part of this story is that the we no longer are able to teach them, but we know that the hand off to the sisters is going to be good.