Saturday, January 25, 2014

2014 Feliz ano nuevo y baprismo del Hermano Alezis

Hello todos,
So this week was fantastic because we had two
baptismos that were very important to me. That of Hermano Alexis (20)
and Gustavo (13). With Alexis, we have been teaching him for a long
time, when I got to chincha he already had a full teaching record, and
well really he has been ready for baptism for a long time. The Biggest
problem was that he was have problems leaving the catholic faith and
he had a fear of sinning after baptism, and to make a long interesting
story short for time's sake, he was baptized on saturday and now is in
the path to be one of the strongest members Sunampe has ever seen! At
the end of the baptism, he gave his testimony, and I have to say that
there are words that can describe the feeling that a missionary has
when some one that they have spent so much time and energy to help,
stands in front of a group of people and says ¨I know that this is the
true church of Jesucristo¨. After Alexis, Gustavo a thirteen year old
boy boar his testimony, and he was crying and he didn't know why, but
he stood there and looked at his parents and then at me and in the
mist of his tears and his struggle to find his breath, he said ¨I cant
describe how I feel, but I know that this church is the true
church...and then he sat down, and I can't tell you how much those two
testimonies impacted me, but I can say this; I know that this church
is true, but what is more I know that all this is a part of gods plan
for us that would not be complete with out the perfect love of Jesus
Christ. I my self have so much to learn about all of this, but I know
with every fiber of my being that if happiness, true happiness and
joy can not be found in the message of the restored Gospel of Jesus
Christ, then it can't be found anywhere. However it can be found, and
there are a few people ready to tell you about it.
I love you all, it is really hot here and yes the fruit is really good
here, and Mom I think of you every time I eat a mango, and I know that
I am dooming myself because the states don't have good mangos. Love you
all Elder Roos. Dean send this to mom her email didn't work.
So this week went well,
                                 Nothing too much to report, all of our investigator with a date for bapitsm are progressing and they all should be baptized if we keep praying and working hard. 
     Mom I want you to know that your comment about going Vegan made my day and I want you to know that it`s against my religion too.
     Rachel, tofu.... we tried that once and I remember that it failed drastically, and it gives you gas because your body is trying to tell you that your food choices were not correct and you need to re think about what you have just put in to your body, trust me about this I am in south america, me and my body have this conversation frequently. haha
      Dean and Cynthina, I love you guys sounds like all is going well and your photo made me want to go sleding.
       Right now in Preù it is really hot and everyone tells me that it is about to get hotter down here in February. something else is we are eating a lot of fruit, the water melon is in abundance and there are always mangos, which makes me happy because mangos are the best. I found that the only two things I have ever talked about with members here is about the gospel and Food. People talk about food so much here, which I enjoy because I like food, but it never stops to amaze me how long some one can talk about fruit.
       In reference to the work all is going really well, our bishop steped up his game, and we finally have ward missionaries. Our ward is really small, and it just got smaller because of some boundary changes, but the members are so strong. The faith of these humble people are ever helping me build my testimony that this church is true. Yesterday in ward Counsel I look at the group of members that we had and realized that almost all the leaders that we have are either a return missionary that has been home for less than a year or a recent convert, for example the young mens president has less then two months as a member, and the young womans president just got home from her mission, and I could go on but I am almost out of time, But the point I am trying to make is that the church is true and I have seen here in peru that truth is stronger than anything in the world. I love you all.

Happy new year!
                      So they do just about the same thing for new years as they do for Christ mas, with just a few more fire works.
                       I am Sad to hear that Great Uncle Ernie past away, in fact I do remember Uncle Ernie he was a fantastic person, and I remember every time I saw him I would ask him were Burt was, and I think that was probably a very old joke but he always laughed. Something that my Zone Leader Elder Red Said ¨Don´t take life too seriously, no one makes it out alive anyway¨, but Olivia thank you for keeping me updated.
                      I got a lot of deep letters this wee, most of which told me about how proud they were of me for being out here, and so I thank each one of you for those words, it was something I need this week. However life is going very well we have four baptisms coming up this week is Hermano Gustavo so I am pumped for that one and three others that are over due. I am enjoying being companions with Elder Peralta, he is a comic relief of a string of very stiff Compañeros. I am almost out of time sorry for the short letter well here is something.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


para empezar,
¿Como esta todos?
                          Bien bien, So we are just working away here in chincha, Elder Yucra se fue (went)to Ika and I have a new companion Named Elder Pearalta if his name was in English it would be "tall pear" which is funny because he is my first companion that is taller than me, which kind of broke my delusions of grandeur, because I really liked being one of the tallest people in perú but some times god likes to remind us that if you are 5´.11 you are only tall in perú and Japan.
                          Elder Pearalta is very very good, he is funny and kind of relaxed which is a big change from Elder Yucra, but he is really really focused, he teaches with a power and love that I haven´t seen in a missionary yet, but I am learning so much from him and hope that I have something I can teach him.
                         Well I am doing just fine down here in good o´l peú and Wish you all Feliz Festivos! Love Elder Roos

  Nothing ground breaking here in Peru, we are working very hard with less actives, people here are easy to accept the gospel but it is so hard to convince them to go to church. The people here are very religious, and people plaster Jesucristo on just about everything, their cars, their skin, their walls, their cell phones, but it seems that they are just giving their wall space or their art choices to Christ and not their time, because it is easy to write the name of Christ on you arm, but it is something different to write it in your heart.
                                         We found and are teaching a really cool family, after watching the video of the Restoration they were pretty convinced that Joseph Smith is prophet and the father was kind of bummed out that his baptism in the cathloic church about a month ago didnt count.