Monday, September 29, 2014

Independencia, la mas bonita.

 Things are still going well,
                    So we are still working hard here in Idependencia, however the attendance in sacrament meeting has only gone up by one, but hey I am not one to complain at progress.  a few interesting things that happened this week is that the branch president made us Goat for lunch, which was really good, I will never look at food the same way again after all of the things that I have eaten here, but that´s a good thing. 
                 We are working so hard to help people understand why keeping the Sabbath day holy is important, which is hard when you live in a Catholic Culture. Everyone and their dog knows that God wants us to go to church, but they don´t understand that the commandments don´t change even if the prices are better on Sunday.
                To really convert the members here, we have started to use the big guns, The Book of Mormon! We are giving all the less active members the challenge to read the book of Mormon in four months, and we are giving them a little paper with a cool little pathway, which has stepping stones representing every chapter of the book of Mormon that you color in after you have read it, and they all seem pretty happy to start it, but we will see how well it goes.
                My companion showed me a video on his camera from the CCM(MTC), and I was so embarrased, because in the video Elder Cayetano asked my where I was from, and I said (Soy donde Idaho) which in English (I where I Idaho) and then I looked at the camera and said ¡Me Gusta Queso! (I like Cheese) because that was the only thing I knew how to say well in spanish. I have come such a long way, I went from nothing to where I am now. God has blessed me so much, and I have really learned to want something so badly to really work for it. I know that God gives us things that make us suffer sometimes, but it is just because he loves us and he knows what we need to make us stronger. Well I love you all and I hope that you are all Happy and healthy, and I love you all and pray for you. Have an awesome week, Love your Goofy little missionary, Elder Roos
So week three,
                    it was fun to hear that it is fair time again, I have heard that they do practically the same thing here, but we have never gone to one.
                    So the work goes on here in our little branch. we reactivated a less-active member that will help the progress of our branch a lot. We are in such need of strong leaders here, almost off the members are less active, but the fact that this family came back, and so strong lets me know that nothing is impossible for the Lord. I have never felt such a love for the people, or such a need to work as I do here in Independencia. It´s kind of fun to work with less active members until they start to whine and complain about petty selfish things that don´t have anything to do with anything, but I like to see the look on their face when we start to explain everything that Jesus did for them D&C 19:15-17
                      It is truly lovely here I hope to send pictures next week, I am loving it here, there is a lot of corn, avocado, grapes, and a lot of other plants that I don´t know but I love you all
Love Elder Roos.

Hola todos,
                So This week was a good week, I am really enjoying my new area, and my companion. My area is the most beautiful that I have had in all of my mission life. There are a lot of green fields, and everyday we see birds that aren´t pidgins, and we continue to eat a lot of fruit. However we received something new...well new for me, Sugercain.  I have eaten it here before, but this was the first time that some one has given us big poles of sugarcane, usually people sell them in little bags already to go, but this time, this member took us out to his part of the riverbed next to his hove and hacked us four big poles of sugar with his machete.
                Like normal we have talked to a lot of people who are catholic, but just don´t have time to attend, and keep explaining the importance of the sabbath day to members who can´t find the time to go to the true church, but we are teaching a lot of young families who need to follow the law of chastity, but my favorite part about teaching families that are going through hard problems, is telling them that they can when the whole world tells them that they can´t. That they really can have a happy life together, and that one really can be married and get through every single problem and trial that comes their way, if they only put their trust en Jesus Christ. I like to see the hope that comes in to their eyes when they discover that these things really are true. Well I love you all, and hope you are ally happy and healthy, Have a great week. Love Elder Roos. 

I got transferred,
                     So I am now in Pisco, which is a little further south then where Canete was. It is really beautiful here with a lot more fields, and trees, and everything. I can not put into word how happy, excited, or pumped to have my new companion. His name is ELder Cayatano, and he is in my grupo from the CCM. He is super funny, an extremely hard worker, and he just loves to be here on a mission. we have a lot of work to do here, because they are talking about closing down the area. It is a really small branch, with about 35 people who go to church, but there are 180 members who live here. Me and my companion are the 1st and 2nd counselors in the Bishop rick. I am so happy to be here, I just feel good. I can't wait to see what is ahead of us here. I am am in one of the hotest arieas of the mission, but the heat wont really kick in for about a month, so that is something nice. They eat alot of fish here, so that is something that I am looking forward to. I hope you all have fun at the fair, and remember that I love you all and you are all in my prayres. Love ELder Roos

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